More Models of the Reality – 13th Religious Booklet

Dear all – the second chapter has been finished.

The second chapter of the 13th „Religious Booklet“ has been finished. Additionally I updated the first chapter.

Please don’t expect „great literature“. It’s just truth 🙂

And there is nothing new. It will be just a summary for my son and his gamer friends.

Have a nice week



Longing for the Truth

Dear Reader – Dear Friend!

I have been writing „Small Religious Booklets“ since 2014 now – all of them in my mother tongue, which is German.

Now I am facing another challenge and start a new booklet in English language.

Well, it will not be that new. I will again write about my life’s main challenge, which is THE TRUTH.

You must know, I am a programmer.

Probably I am not the best of all and I am not the worst of all, just what makes the difference I like to stand still sometimes, looking backward, looking forward, thinking, what have I done, why have I done this and what will be my goals for the future.

Is that religious?

Is it already religion, if you are on a quest for truth?

Is it OK to say: „No, I am not interested in religion“, meanwhile longing sufferingly for the truth?


First of all, we have to admit, we do not know the truth. None of us mortal knows the truth (OK, Jesus Christ might be the exception).

And none of us mortal has got contact with the reality (same exception as above).

We are embedded into our bodies, whose senses and skills connect us to the „outer world“.

First we need to trust our own bodies, who provide senses and skills to explore the universe.

Self confidence is the first and ever needed asset that is a conditio-sine-qua-non.

If we do not trust in our own perception of the world, then we loose our identity and cannot proceed in life.

We then need help (fortunately we get help in many cases, by our parents, by our siblings, friends, relatives, therapists, and so on, however not all of the help is for free).

The main skill of my brain is to provide me a world view, or, as-I-call-it a „Model of the Universe“ (MotU).

The MotU helps me to understand the universe:

  • the MotU adds meaning to the perceived phenomena
  • the MotU helps to predict future phenomena
  • the MotU helps to find appropriate measures, if I’d like to influence the universe

At the beginning of my life, the MotU was quite simple, e.g.:

  • hungry –> cry –> getting satisfied (many people stick to this paradigm until high age)

Most of the intelligence was still outsourced to mom.

It was up to mom to challenge me.

If she wants me to proceed in life, she will leave more and more problems to be solved on my own.

This way I will grow my MotU over the years.

I will make some experiences, hence create/assert some statements about the universal truth (which I believe to exist) and – if I am an open minded person and let the universal truth judge over my statements – then I will test (or let test) the statements (my „virtual“ reality“) against the „real“ reality, hence learning to render the „real“ reality with my „virtual“ reality in an acceptable way.

In the best case, me and you – we – and the whole mankind will improve our personal MotU and our common MotU (which is called „science“) to a best fit with the universal truth, having a life full of harmony with ourselves, with each other and with the universe at all.

So, we assume a, we believe in a universal truth, in a „real“ reality, which exists „somewhere out there“ and which can be interacted with in the way of „physical objects“, i.e. in the way of entities that are characterized by categories like matter/energy and space/time.

Each person – if he acts scientifically – and the science as a whole – assert statements about the universal truth and test and use these statements to interact with the universe accordingly.

So we have got a first impression about how science works, as long as we are directly involved.

The next chapter about story telling will find another way, which is not directly scientifically involved, but which is more involved with artwork and virtual reality (VR).

However, before we close this chapter, let’s ask some questions:

  • Is science all we need?
  • Will science solve all our problems?
  • Does science explain ALL phenomena of the universe?

Well, religious people, and I think I am one, assert the existence of something like „Celestial Affairs“.

Celestial Affairs would be something, which cannot be described by science. Something, which exists „outside of the known universe“.

In particular, a celestial experience can not be systematically repeated (which is a prerequisite for scientific experimentation).

Like a scientist, who cannot know the universe, but who has to believe in the existence of the universe and its universal truth, before he can explore it, the religious people believe in what-I-call „Celestial Affairs“, get into contact and create some models for this reality.

If the celestial entities (angels, demons, the spirit) are performing a bombardement, then you will need some belief – some trust in heaven – to cope with this situation.

The pure MotU won’t help here.

The Art of Story Telling

In the first chapter, we have described, how a direct experience can lead to a calibration of our MotU and/or of our belief.

Such „scientific“ experiences or „celestial“ experiences, which happen, when a part of the truth is revealed to us in the course of a scientific experiment or a psychological happening, can be subsumed under the term „revelation“.

Now the occurrence of a revelation is – I would say – a rare thing.

It will happen more often to people, who are natively curious than to people, who are self-contained and steady.

On the other hand, our life is short. We don’t have much time to pass our knowledge on to the next generation.

Therefore mankind invented (or „found“) the art of story telling.

Like the Creator has left his mark in creation, we are creating artwork to tell the next generation about the truth, which we have perceived.

It’s again the same persons: there is a ME, who is embedded in a WE, who inhabit a virtual reality (an artwork).

Together WE inhabit an artwork, e.g. a 3D Multiuser Scene – a game –, we collaborate, chat, play and – all-in-one – we perceive the story about some universal or eternal truth from an author.

So an author – if he is willing to tell us something about his/her MotU/Belief – will thoroughly create roles and models that shall help us to learn something about the universe or about celestial affairs (see the first chapter).

This way, we can perform „learning by doing“ in a playground environment, without suffering the tough reality.


Many people love to inhabit VRs and artworks and would like to avoid „real“ physical and celestial experiences, that’s because of the softness of VR and the toughness of RR.

Unfortunately, the RR actually exists and we MUST understand, VR is just a playground to get fit for RR, it is not actually the RR.


Yours Christoph

1 Responses to More Models of the Reality – 13th Religious Booklet

  1. […] I stated in my latest post (see HERE), I have started to write a new „small religious booklet“ about the […]

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